Upload KMZ file from Condes to use in MapRun6:

First download a KMZ file from Condes to your computer (The file have to be made in Condes 10.x). The KMZ file have to include all the courses from your competition.

Second from this screen "Browse" and find the file you downloaded from Condes.

Third punch the button "Upload".

A couple of seconds after you punched "Upload" you will be presented for a ZIP file to download. The ZIP file have the same name as the uploaded KMZ file added "__out.zip". In the ZIP archieve there are a new KMZ file with the same file name (as the original KMZ file) however added "__out" and there will be a number of KML files.

Allso there will be a .TXT file. Holding links in plain text. Copy one link at a time to the browser as URL and you will get the result for the course. In the last line of the TXT file you will see the maps resolution (Have to be used in MapRun6)

Allso there will be a number of .json files. They can, at a later time, be used to make resultlists. The KML files are named as: "Your Course name" + "Condes competition name" + "PXAC". Example: "Bane 3B Undallslund uge 7 og 8 PXAC.kml"

The new KMZ file (with the "__out" in the name), have to be used in MapRun6 as the Map file (Choose Map File (KMZ)) Each of the KML files have to be used in MapRun6 as "course files". (Choose Course File (KML))
